MFE EBT Screener
Perform mass screenings of elevated body temperatures (EBT) in high-traffic public places such as businesses, refineries, factories, and events.
The MFE EBT Screener is a portable infrared temperature screening system designed to assist institutions in their efforts to prevent the spread of viruses to their employees, associates, and customers. The MFE EBT Screener conducts a facial scan with the tear ducts as the point of interest for the most accurate representation of internal body temperature. An alarm will notify the operator when a person’s temperature is above the set threshold.
- 640 x 480 resolution, 37.5° HFOV (16.7mm) athermalized lens
- Synchronous Display
- Automatic Alarm Capture
- Continuous Video Recording
- Hot Spot Tracker
- Uncompressed 8-bit and 16-bit digital video options
- Intelligent Calibration

The MFE EBT Screener comes equipped with a complete thermal analysis software suite with powerful built-in measurement and analysis functions. The software is designed for intuitive usage to reduce training needs and costs. Operators will be able to quickly produce complex, meaningful, and comprehensive analyses and reports of the screening data.
The MFE EBT Screener offers a wide range of high-quality and powerful analysis tools:
- Multiple measurement points
- Multiple profile lines
- Area analysis
- Automatic Hot Spot detection
- Multi point trend
- Box-line trend
- Area trend
- Isotherms
- Envelope profiles
- Region-of interest statistics
- And many more
All analysis tools allow independent emissivity correction for regions or the complete image. Extended analysis tools like image fusion, image subtraction, image composition and image and sequence export (JPEG, Bitmaps, AVI clips) are as well included.
The MFE EBT Screener features a 640 x 480 thermographically calibrated thermal camera that is easy-to-use, packed with features, and designed for a wide range of thermal monitoring applications. It is capable of delivering thermographically calibrated digital data for every pixel within a temperature range of -0 to +650°C.
The MFE EBT Screener excels where a highly reliable, high resolution, and low cost thermal imager is required.
- Low Size, Weight, and Power (SWaP)
- High Resolution Thermography Imaging
- Thermographic data available for every pixel
- Innovative Microbolometer GENLOCK
- Uncompressed 8-bit and 16-bit digital video options
- Power, Control, and Video over a single cable (Ethernet) Easy Export Models Available